Happy Hump Day Good Lifers!!! I have another GREAT recipe for a delicious and nutritious dinner! For all you fish lovers, you probably know the tasty treat that is Orange Roughy! For all those who aren't big fans of fish, this is a delicious, non-fishy, white fish. It is perfect for those who are trying to start eating fish as part of a healthy diet. So w/o further adu...the recipe! Enjoy!!!
Feeds 2 People
What you will need:
1 - 6 to 8 oz Orange Rouphy Fillet
1 Cup Qunioa
1/4 of Red Bell Pepper
1/4 of Green Bell Pepper
1 Clove of Garlic
6-10 Asparagus Spears
1 Ear of Corn in Husk
1 Kale Stock
Pinch of Baby Spinach
1/5 Cups of Chicken Stock (Substitute with Water, or any other Stock)
1/2 Fresh Lemon
Salt, Pepper, Garlic Salt, Olive Oil
1. Turn Grill on Medium Heat
2. Place Corn in Stock Directly on Grill, Towards the Back
3. Bring Stock/Water to Boil, Add Quinoa, Reduce to Medium Heat, Cover, Cook For 15-20 Mins
4. Put Bell Peppers, Garlic, Kale, Spinach in Blender, Food Processor, Etc. Blend Until Liquid
5. When Most of The Stock is Gone, and Qunioa is Nearly Done, Add 3/4 of Vegetable Blend. Let Qunioa Simmer for 5 Minutes to Let Flavors From Veggie Mix to Infuse and Cook Into Quinoa.
While Quinoa is Cooking....
1. Season the Fillet w/ Small Dab of Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper, and Remaining Veggie Blend.
2. Cut Bottoms of Asparagus, Coat with Dab of Olive Oil, and Light Sprinkle of Garlic Salt
3. Place Asparagus in Middle of Grill - 10-12 Minutes, Rotating Half Way.
4. Place Fish on Mid-Lower Section of Grill - Cook 3 Mins/ Side.
Plate, Serve, Eat, Love!
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